RealtiWeb Saskatchewan Updates

In Case You Missed It: We've made the following changes to RealtiWeb for Saskatchewan.

TIPPS Update

  • TIPPS Application and Cancellation Forms have been added for North Battleford, Warman and Martinsville. These can be found in the Documents screen of RealtiWeb.

Custom Calculated Legal Fees

  • You have always had the ability to set your default legal fees (Main Fee on the Account to Client screen) based on the file type within RealtiWeb (Purchase, Sale or Mortgage). There is now the ability for the fee to be custom calculated based on parameters within the actual file.

    For example, if the file is a Purchase without a Mortgage or Purchase above a specific Sale Price, etc., the fee will automatically recalculate based on these parameters.

    Please note: If you'd like take advantage of this feature, then contact us at and we'll make the change to your firm settings.

Lender Updates

  • We have made the following Lender Updates:
    - Added Investors Group Mortgage, and
    - Updated the Third Party Identification Form for Street Capital.