Enhancements and Releases in April 2023

We are continuing to transition firms over to the newest version of RealtiWeb that supports multiple browsers (Chrome and Edge). We updated the terminology of User Defined Fields to Custom Fields in the latest version of RealtiWeb, WillPowerWeb and RealtiBuilderSales (when available in multiple browsers). Thank you to everyone who has transitioned their firm.

Throughout April, we focused on documents for RealtiWeb Saskatchewan, ensured a smooth transition into the newest version of RealtiWeb, and minor updates. The details are available below.

RealtiWeb Saskatchewan

For those handling files in Saskatchewan, several documents related to discharging mortgages and paying out commissions to real estate brokers were reviewed. This came after requests for changing and adding additional documents related to these processes. We have simplified the document content for consistency and increased ease of customizing these documents.

For a complete list of which documents were updated, added and removed, please see our notice in the bulletin board of RealtiWeb.

RealtiWeb Ontario

For those in Toronto and working on files that the Municipal Land Transfer Tax (MLTT) applis on, RealtiWeb Ontario was updated with the latest fee change. In case you missed it, the MLTT increased to $86.78 plus HST, effective as of April 17, 2023. Please refer to the City of Toronto's MLTT Rates and Fees page for more information.